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Gary Kurtz



Magician, Illusionist, sorcerer, mind-reader…even extra terrestrial, all are words that have been used in an attempt to describe one of Canada’s most entertaining, ambiguous and astounding performers.

“The most accurate term to describe myself would be ‘mentalist,’” explains the tri-lingual Ontario native who makes his home in Montreal. “I like to get into the heads of my audience.” For the past four years, he has done just that. “Juste Une Illusion?” Kurtz’ internationally lauded two hour journey into the paranormal has left fans and skeptics alike shaking their heads and asking “How does he do it?”.

Whether he is reciting the exact passage a randomly chosen audience member is reading in a book, changing the hands on your wristwatch, caressing women in the audience without touching them or reminding you of the name of your first childhood crush, his interactive show keeps audiences in perpetual shock and amazement.

“Growing up I always knew I was different,” says Kurtz. “As a child I had an imaginary world and a head full of ideas.” He realized his gift for mentalism early in life but refuses to describe himself as gifted. “I prefer to focus on the psychological,” he says. “80% of what I do on stage is real, 20% is not. I want people to ask questions and expand on their perceptions; each person can decide what to believe.”

After experiencing “Just and Illusion?”, the audience will have new definitions, more questions and, as audience members from around the World have done before them, will shake their heads as they question “How DOES he do it?”!